A Buffet Jingle is Born!
We encourage our staff and customers to turn their ears to the radio this week, as we’ve returned to the air waves and made the big leap of producing our very own, Market Buffet & Grill jingle!
But you may be wondering, what is involved with producing a jingle for a restaurant? Well, we started thinking about one thing… YOU! The customer.
We began by talking about the style of music that would appeal to such an array of our favourite regulars; families, seniors, students…. but who doesn’t love great value and an all-you-can-eat-selection of the best comfort food in town?
Hmmm… Not too ‘country’… not too ‘hipster’… nothing that would sound like nails down a chalkboard. Something right in the middle.
A lot of our staff and customers are into Indy-rock and came up with a few suggestions of bands that they liked, which also helped put us on the right path.
The first musical version sounded a bit too aggressive vocally and the name of the restaurant was not all that clear. But through the magic of production, a few new notes and a change of emphasis on a couple of syllables, we finally got the music down!
Next was the message. If you have 15 or 30 seconds of air time, the message has to be right! Luckily, we had been working with a marketing consultant for a couple of years, so we had the ‘main’ messages pretty much down – and it allows us to be flexible depending on the occasion or time of the year!
Well, with the help of our marketing team and Production Company I’m happy to say that I think we’ve hit it out of the park! Give a listen for yourself (Click here to Listen)
You may hear it over the airwaves on (B101FM or 107.5FM) during Mother’s Day week, so let us know when you come in.
Rock on!
The Market Buffet & Grill team